Promonitor Quick
A point-of-care test (starting from whole blood or serum) that allows clinicians to detect infliximab and anti-infliximab antibodies in a quick and fully decentralized mode, facilitating immediate decisions.

Personalized Medicine

The tool to facilitate immediate decisions.
- Promonitor Quick is a set of rapid immunochromatography tests that allow the clinician to measure drug levels and anti-drug antibody levels in a quick and fully decentralized way
Easy to Use

Easy protocol with minimal steps.
- 4 simple steps
- Results in 20 minutes
- Fully decentralized, real point-of-care (POC)
- Starting from whole blood

Ready for the new emerging market players.
- Promonitor Quick kits are able to quantify the reference infliximab and the following biosimilars and the corresponding anti-infliximab antibodies: CT-P13, SB2, and GP1111

Reliable and accurate detection in either venous, serum, or capillary circulation (fingerstick).
- Results show an almost perfect match between specimens and the reference ELISA technique

Intravenous and subcutaneous treatments.
- Promonitor Quick IFX allows quantification of a broad range of concentrations, facilitating monitoring of intravenous and subcutaneous treatments