Milestone is striving to improve the laboratory work environment by developing safer and greener reagents, for offering the best histological results joined to a granted compatibility to our units.
Important steps in the histological specimens preparation, such as fixation, decalcification and processing, can be dramatically shortened in time by improving the instrumentation power-saving features through our line of products.
Our MileONE & MileTWO, FineFIX, JFC Solution and MoL-DECALCIFIER are designed and developed for maximizing Milestone units’ performance.
Dedicated to Frozen Sections, MCC gives an unrivalled blocks consistency for a smoother frozen blocks cutting and a preserved histological architecture.
Great attention is also given to the development of reagents, with the goal to eliminate operators exposure to toxic reagents such as xylene and formaldehyde, for a safer laboratory environment.
All Milestone reagents are Xylene-Free, including the cleaning solution MileGREEN. With FormSAFE formaldehyde does not go in contact with the operator thanks for our patented protective floating shield.