Triturus ELISA Instrument
A completely open and fully automated ELISA analyzer for testing and processing batches of samples for infectious diseases, autoimmunity, and biological drug monitoring.

Maximize lab output with multi-test and multi-batch capabilities.
- Perform all the steps in any microplate ELISA assay including sample dilution, reagent dispensing, washing, reading, and calculating results
- Perform up to 8 different tests per batch on a single sample or group of samples (e.g. TORCH profile, respiratory profile, biological drug monitoring)
- Independently schedule several consecutive groups of tests, loading new work batches while other batches are being processed

Ensure correct functioning and status of the Triturus ELISA with highly precise and stable hardware and software.
- Rigorous quality control program including a diagnostic self-test, built-in alarms, and registry files
- Constant in-house development and upgrading
- Bi-directional host communication and online connection for ongoing data management and reporting
Easy to Use

Quickly get to work with an intuitive and self-explanatory system.
- Fully automated testing for all the steps in any ELISA micro-well test
- Software with logical interactive screens
- Easy batch processing with no manual calculations required